Why businessmen should know about intellectual property protection

Timur Zharkenov, hometown – Aktobe, lawyer, development director of the law firm ARBIS

Not everyone believes that they can protect their rights. Many are negligent about registration of legal rights. Foreigners, on the other hand, are well versed in this.

Many people do not know what intellectual property or an intellectual property object is. In fact, there is nothing particularly complicated about it. Intellectual property is just like a car or an apartment. You can acquire ownership of a piece of movable property and it will be your property. Almost all companies have a logo, and businessmen invest a lot of resources into its creation, but very few of them take care about the rights to the objects they create. If you miss this point, then anyone can take a logo and promote themselves at his expense, and then offer services or products under that brand.Many people in Kazakhstan do not understand what an object of intellectual property.

Intellectual property – this is an important point in modern society. The same Internet sites are also objects of intellectual protection, copyright. This issue is also relevant to franchises, which actively enter the market. The owner has the exclusive right to give the franchisee the right to use it. There’s intellectual property all around us – the phone you use, the clothes you wear, the car. And every company is sensitive about its rights to the property.

In terms of all technological processes, we have it all worked out. The state issued a good legal framework based on international experience. There is such a principle in intellectual property: the first one is right. The one who duly registered his property will be right. There were precedents when partners set up a business, but only one of them registered the trademark in his own name. Then he separated, and all the recognition, the business remained with him.

There are many businessmen and entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan, so we need specialists who understand the concepts of intellectual property. The necessary information can be found through the Internet, read and see international acts. Now there are many opportunities to study this area and become a sought-after specialist. In other countries of the world the issues of intellectual property protection are developing rapidly.

Our advantage is that we have already accumulated a certain amount of knowledge in working with companies. We explain to people that they risk all the investments that have been spent on the trademark. But if the paperwork is done in time, there are no problems. Then the businessman will exclude all the legal risks he is condemning himself to.

Protecting intellectual property is the future of any business.

The peculiarity of work is that I meet different people, representatives of business. We have many clients from the IT sphere, for example, application developers.

Our work is valued because we help people protect their rights and risks. We are working to form a civilized market. Everything will depend on the correct and competent legal rights of medium and small businesses.

Our work is valued because we help people protect their rights and risks.

I’m working on getting universities to teach this discipline as well. If we want to keep up with the times, we need to have knowledge. All the new technologies come into contact with intellectual property.

I want to instill legal literacy in the population, in businessmen. So that as many people as possible understand that this is important.

Source: https://weproject.media/articles/detail/pochemu-biznesmeny-dolzhny-znat-o-zashchite-intellektualnoy-sobstvennosti/

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