Kazakh entrepreneurs count losses after pogroms

Proposals – what support measures should be – come directly from representatives of business.

Shyngys Temir, a member of the SME Development Committee, compiled the proposed measures into one list and sent it to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs. “The support measures proposed by business are conditionally divided into operational and systemic. The first group includes those mechanisms which entrepreneurs need now, in the acute period. They concern tax breaks, suspension of all inspections, refusal to seize accounts, and other demands for compulsory collection. We need to give the business an opportunity to get back on its feet, breathe and go forward again,” believes Shyngys Temir. – As for systemic measures, they included proposals on topics that were painful even before the January events. For example, the notorious scrappage, the introduction of digital labeling, or fines for exceeding the VAT threshold.

The full text is in the publication of Kursiv.kz.

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