3 reasons to register a trademark

Unfortunately, entrepreneurs do not always think about brand registration in a timely manner. Often they come to this when the urgent need arises, for example, when a competitor begins to copy it.

Let’s look at three reasons why you should still think about trademark registration, if you have not yet done so.

A trademark inspires confidence in your company. Everyone is familiar with brands such as Apple, Samsung, Nike. These are manufacturers, distinguished by the quality of their goods. We are more likely to choose a new model of smartphone of a well-known brand than a smartphone of a new brand.

2. a trademark can make you and your business money. You ask how? By licensing it or selling it. Do you have a recognizable brand and dream of expanding your business geographically, but don’t have the funds or desire to do it yourself? Get partners who will do it for you and pay you money to use the trademark.

3. Registering a trademark protects your brand. You can sell your goods, provide services and under an unregistered brand. But if competitors copy it and abuse your reputation, official registration provides real brand protection. You have the opportunity to fight piracy on a legal basis.

Law firm “ARBIS” provides services of trademark registration “turnkey”. We will be glad to help you!

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